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Summer TriviaRoll Out Those Lazy, Hazy,
Crazy Days Of Summer....

The summer season gives us fun, sun, barbecues, camp, vacations and several holidays in which we pay tribute to our country.   Our summer trivia will test your knowledge of Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day,  Labor Day and some just plain old summer fun.  Be sure to print out this page and share it with your friends and family.

Old GloryWho drafted the Declaration of Independence?

Where was the first national capitol located?

Finish the line of these campfire songs:

 "John, Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt".....

"On top of spaghetti, All covered with cheese, I".....Row, Row, Row Your Boat...

"Make new friends, but keep the old, One".....

Campfire Song Trivia:

A fun campfire favorite is The Ant's Marching Song.  To what other song melody is this sung to?

Another favorite folk song is Kum Ba Yah.  What does Kum Ba Yah mean?

When you do the Hokey Pokey, how many body parts will you put in?

In the song "If You're Happy", what do you do if you are happy and you know it?

What is "The Defense of Fort McHenry"?

Man on the MoonWhat is a "strawberry moon"?                                                  

Each of the fifty stars represent a State in our Union.  In what year was the 50th star was added to our flag and for which state?Wow!

How did the liberty bell crack?

What summer song did Nat King Cole sing about?

Who wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"? 

What are fireworks made from?

What President signed legislation making Flag Day a day of national observance?

Who's famous quote is, "We hold these truths to be self - evident, that all men are created equal"?

What are lanyards?

I hate those seeds!What are S'Mores and where did they come from?

In what year were the first Summer Olympic Games?

In what year were the Summer Olympic Games first held in the United States?

Where was the Liberty Bell made?

In what song would you find the following line: "How they dance in the corner, sweet summer sweat, some dance to remember, some dance to forget."?

Take time to relax this summer.Many people refer to the U.S. Flag as "Old Glory".  Who coined this name?

In what movie was Chevy Chase taking his family to Wally World for their summer vacation? 

When was the first Labor Day celebrated?

In the movie "I Know What You Did Last Summer", what did they do?

It is not proper to throw a U.S. Flag in the trash.  What is the proper way to disposeDon't get too much sun. the U.S. Flag?

What is the Summer Solstice?

Who is Samuel Wilson?

In what song would you find the following line: "Helter skelter in the summer swelter"?

Who wrote the song "Union Maid"?

Who was the founder of Labor Day?     Proud Eagle

What was Memorial Day originally known as? 

Old Glory has 13 alternating red and white stripes.  At one time it had 15, True or False?

What holiday is celebrated on June 14th?

Who wrote the song, "In The Summertime"?

Who is Gutzon Borglum?

When folding our Flag, each fold has a significance.  What is the significance of the first and second fold?

The U.S. Flag can be displayed from sunrise to sunset at any time of year. Under what circumstances is it allowable to display your flag at night?

Who was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

What is the Emancipation Proclamation?



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